
Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer Stuff

Here it is, June. Summer is in full swing. Actually, summer just started two days ago, according to the calendar and with the fourth of July just around the corner, summer's half over. No wonder it seems to fly by. There's lotsa happenin' at Birdland. There's no vacation this time like there was in school. We're grateful for both of us to be working again so we can get back on track with our goals. Lots of competition for our dollars. Time is short, lots of demands.

BBQ. Charcoal. Hardwood. Slow smoked and succulent. Homemade secret sauce. Pork shoulder. Pork loin. Turkey. Ribs. Beef. Throw in a side of slaw. Can't wait for the local sweet corn to arrive in August. Sweet corn's about knee high right now. Right on schedule. Sure could use some rain though. We're still about a 1.5" - 2" down of where we should be and with sandy soil, it's extra dry.

Tomorrow I'm smoking a pork loin. I've always had good success with loin. The taste of it just drives the passion to experiment further. A simple charcoal water smoker suits me just fine for the task. Low and slow.

The hunt club has really stepped up their involvement with the property. Clearing, cleaning, grading, planting. All of which have been positive. The repair of old blinds continues in a few existing locations near the river inlet, the demolition of one old in-ground blind and the creation of a new floating blind.

They've collectively picked salvaged items for recycling, made efforts to keep Katherine and I informed of intentions regarding road and paths, and continuing to offer their collective services for whatever property improvements we may need.

I'm confident in Dale, the hunt club president, to make sure that things run smoothly. He's done a good job in the past and has a real good handle on his group. A lot of guys have stepped out of the shadows, up to the plate and have demonstrated commitment, time, equipment, materials and their dollars into the property for their hobby/passion. I like it. It says a lot.

Russel, Katherine's father, is the figure head, the patriarch. He collects the rent and, after that, doesn't really know what going on in regards to the property. Katherine is the co-trustee. It's a dynamic tension between Russel and Katherine that keeps things interesting. After all, it is Neswick property and Neswick issues.  It's a changing of the guard so to speak. Katherine realized a long time ago that most guys don't listen to her if she's put into a authoritative role and as a result, I've been delegated to hunt club issues... along with watering all designated plants in Katherine's absence. I stay neutral on the family matters unless asked for my opinion.

In other news.....

Phil, a.k.a.: tee pee man.

Word came down last week from Russell, that Phil's perpetual motion machine failed. ( No surprise. ) Any further modifications and adjustments have been aborted. Phil continues on his regular job to install gutters, downspouts and leaf screens. It's still unsure whether Phil actually lives at Birdland or not.
The lazy boy and cereal boxes indicate otherwise.

He's never around unless we're finally done with our tasks, then he shows up, often at all hours of the day or night. His recent modification to Abode de Saran, from flat to gable roof, continues to demonstrate his commitment to improving and pushing the limits in the design of low cost shelter. The gutter doesn't help as an upgrade but, what the heck, he's a gutter guy. He always seems to be stunned at the fact that we find his behavior and experiments odd and beyond ordinary, or extraordinary. The thing is, Phil is a really nice guy. He teamed upped with Russel and, with most money making prospects, Russel is easy to sway. And thus began an experiment in the gold fish pond.

The recent visit down to the gold fish pond revealed several "pots" on the water. The pots contain a variety of vegetables planted in 5 gallon plastic pails with holes in the bottom to allow water to migrate into the soil within the pail. The pail, containing soil is supported by 2" foam board and wood struts to keep it upright. Again, good intentions, bad engineering. One of the crops destined for hydroponic greatness was watermelons. Makes perfect sense really. Lots of water + watermelon seeds = giga-watermelons.   Did anyone check to see if watermelons float? Actually, the answer is yes, watermelons do float. 

What doesn't float is a bucket full of dirt and water. Despite the floatation efforts, I'm still leary. Pilot test plot is 100, 5 gallon pails. I remained totally silent on the process because of Russel's approval of the project, though I do imagining myself pulling sunken plastic pails from the pond in a few years.  Russel just beams a smile, confident that this is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
The program continues.


I have no idea who Charlie is. Charlie is just one of those guys that shows up, and thank goodness, not often. Charlie's a guy from a long time ago. A time when Birdland was an open party place, come one, come all. Charlie still shows up decades later and a few times this month. There could be months without seeing Charlie, and then, there he is, hangin' around. Good time Charlie.

Think Hollywood casting. A down and out drunk. Disheveled, incoherent, chain smoker, bad teeth, etc. That's a real person. That's Charlie.

We really don't want Charlie showing up. He's an alcoholic, and when buzzed, he's out of his mind. He shows up unannounced and entertains Russel. Russel doesn't want him around either.

Charlie flew by us the other day on his scooter, long grey hair in the wind, cigarette in his mouth. He never even acknowledged us. Crazed look in his eyes, heading out of Birdland and down the road. We need a gate or more. I'm sure Charlie doesn't have internet nor do I think he'll ever read this blog. Charlie needs help.


(see Charlie, only better)

The other day, I walked around to the back of the house to find Louie on the ground starring up into the trees, eyes slowly opening and closing.

If it weren't for the fact he was opening and closing his eyes, I'd say he was dead. I said nothing, Louie said nothing. Charlie and Louie had stopped by to visit with Russel. Together, Charlie and Louie polished off a bottle of Jagermeister. Russel sticks to his "cocktail", straight vodka with a fruit juice chaser. Charlie was nowhere in sight but, his scooter was still there.

Frustrating. I'm getting hot and it's more than just the summer heat. Katherine is sensing my crabbiness.

The clean up will continue.

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